Mind & Meditation

What Is Reiki Chakra Balance?

By Julie O'Mahonney

Reiki Chakra Balance refers to an act of healing or attainment of healthy physical and mental conditions through transmission of positive energy through the technique of Reiki in order to align or balance the energy centers in a man's body. The word chakra, having its roots in the ancient Sanskrit word 'chakram' of Hinduism meaning sphere, refers to the seven energy spheres or centers in a human body placed vertically from the crown of the head to the base of the spine.

Reiki Chakra balance can be said to be the art of balancing or aligning the energy flow from these energy meridians throughout one's body. The seven chakras of Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye and Crown of the Head receive and transmit the life force energy of man and any blockage or misdirection thereof results severely in physical as well as emotional ill health.

There exists various ways in which the chakras can be balanced namely meditation, acupuncture, sound therapy, etc but the most effective is the Reiki Chakra Balancing which involves Palm healing. In other words, the Reiki practitioner acts as a conduit who transmits positive energy from the infinite source of the cosmos, through his hands to the chakra positions of an individual.

Start with asking the healee to wear loose and comfortable clothing and lie down comfortably in a relaxed and calm state of mind. Thereafter the Reiki practitioner needs to practice some basic meditation techniques to attain the required mental state for Reiki Chakra Balancing. Remember that the healee needs to be comfortable and open for the entire process to work.

Common Reiki techniques involve looking/staring, blowing, touching, tapping stroking or placing the palms flatly against specific positions or diseased part of the healee's body. Most of the hand positions are around the head and neck area but they can also be on the front or back of the torso as well as knees and feet. Many a times the process starts with the healer scrutinizing the aura or the energy field emanated from the person to identify the diseased body parts.

Starting from energizing physically with the warmth of the practitioner's palms, to using Reiki symbols to provide heightened intervention in diseased spots, Reiki Chakra Balancing is performed in various levels. The healee senses a tingling sensation in the area targeted and mystical Reiki symbols are drawn and concentrated upon for transmitting energy and balancing the chakra where a serious injury or disease has occurred. One can also heal by placing his palms on the affected areas for varied lengths of time and this is known as localized treatment.

Thus, it can be seen from the discussion above that Reiki Chakra Balancing involves the use of hands or palms in particular to channelize energy to those chakras where it is required so as to improve the physical and emotional condition of the healee.

It can be concluded by saying that though Reiki Chakra Balancing is extensively used in healing and is most popular where a person is diseased or has a serious injury, it is always better to proactively go for Reiki chakra balancing for smooth energy flow in one's body for the ultimate physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.

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