Mind & Meditation

An Honest Look At Conversational Hypnosis

By Thomas Marroquin

You can never underestimate the power of communication. An apt and wonderful manifestation of the overreaching power of communication is in conversational hypnosis. According to definition, conversational hypnosis is the procedure that involves a person's perception to be altered to respond to a specific kind of problem.

The main principle in conversational hypnosis is interaction.

Conversational hypnosis starts with the stage called affinity. Before attempting to suggest a solution, the hypnotist has to first establish some kind of rapport with the patient.

This is all aimed at establishing a kind of rapport.

Take for example we have a case of an agoraphobic person. This person has an inexplicable fear of crowds and the hypnotist is trying to coax him out of that situation. When the patient tells the hypnotist that "it is hard", the hypnotist should reply with something along the lines of "I know it is hard".

Once there is a kind of bond that is established between the patient and the hypnotist, the hypnotist can start going deeper into the conversational hypnosis. The second stage of the hypnosis is the distraction.

During this stage, the hypnotist will attempt to sway the patient's thinking into something which does not involve the problem. The hypnotist usually asks several questions to successfully allow the patient to think of something else.

Still using the same kind of scenario that I mentioned earlier, the hypnotist can try to make the patient think of something else other than his fear of people by asking "what it would feel like if he was to live all alone in the entire earth?".

Those questions do not have to make any sense as long as the patient gets to stop thinking of his problem for the time being.

The final step is the proposition. Once the hypnotist successfully leads the patient to think of something else, then the hypnotist can introduce different suggestions to finally solve the problem.

The hypnotist can include different suggestions such as saying that "life would be better if he talked to people once in awhile".

About the Author:


Hypnosis describes a natural state that we all experience daily. This kind of everyday hypnosis can take the form of being absorbed in work, a book or movie or in activities such as driving, playing a game or daydreaming. The sense of being in the zone that many athletes and artists speak about, also comes under the umbrella of everyday hypnosis.

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