Mind & Meditation

Getting an Insight into Our Chakra System

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

New Age philosophers and alternative medicine practitioners use the term Chakrology to illustrate the study of the human bodys energy points also known as the chakra system. It was the Ancient Hindus who first became aware of the existence of a chakra system in our being and used it for the practice of healing.

According to the Ancient Hindus, there are thousands of chakra points that make up the human bodys chakra system but of these, there are seven chakra points that are considered of major importance. This major chakra system which consists of the seven major points is our bodys main energy processing centers. As it is, they are our active connection to our consciousness and spiritual essence.

The seven major chakra points of the bodys chakra system each possesses a unique purpose which in turn influences a particular feature of our existence. Even if they are separate and independent from each other, they work in mutual assistance of each other to bring about our well being, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

An interesting note to consider is the similarity of all the models used to portray our chakra system, regardless of philosophical and/or educational background. They all illustrate a connection to our glandular system!

The common representation of our major chakras is a straight ascending line along the spinal column from the base to the top of the head. Modern representations go one step further and assign the primary colors of the color wheel to each of the seven major energy points for a better illustration and to depict particular energy representations as colors symbolize different energy levels as well.

Although the energy points of our chakra system can not be seen, they are considered as extensions or invisible gateways to the endocrine glands that they correspond to. A chakric malfunction whether benign or not, directly affects our endocrinal system and therefore our body. Since they are the gateways of energy to and from our body, any blockages can result in our illness as well and an imbalance of our health.

The positioning and role of the chakras in our totality (physical, mental and emotional) as human beings give them significant importance in two aspects of our lives: health and illness.

Due to the holistic nature of energy fields, both within and outside our body, any interruption in the regular function of any of the seven major energy centers results in a corresponding malfunction in our physical being, which sometimes go unnoticed for long periods of time. It is therefore important that the complete body, both physical and metaphysical, is properly taken cared of and nurtured in order to achieve balance and harmony.

Of the major energy points of our chakra system, only five are believed to possesses a front part (generally dominant) and a rear part (less dominant). The first chakra (located at the base of the spine and portrays an individuals physical vitality and survival) and the seventh chakra (located at the crown of the head and portrays a persons totality of being and spiritual perfection) are usually represented as having only one dominant component. The other five energy points of our chakra systems are spaced between the first and seventh chakras.

While energy is transmitted through the various energy points of our chakra system, extra energy is more commonly channeled through the first and seventh chakras. This is why an understanding and awareness of how they work and their benefit to our well being is necessary so that with practice, we can send and receive energy through all our energy points equally.

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