Mind & Meditation

Can A Clear Crystal Skull Perform Miracles?

By Stephen Richards

You should be really honoured to own a quartz crystal skull. In all the excitement of getting the crystal don't forget to name it. Giving it a name is the first thing you should do. Think about the name in a calm and serene setting. Trust your instincts and you will know the right name when it appears in your thoughts.

Skulls are said to choose their own guardians - if you are reading this article, you have begun the magnetic attraction to your own crystal skull which is inviting you to be its new caretaker and to lead an abundant life.

As far as crystal skulls are concerned, the presence of impurities or imperfections makes it more powerful. Contrary to what many people believe, too much clarity in the crystal will only serve to diminish its energy considerably.

The crystals that are man made in the laboratories are usually incorporated with impurities to make it look more authentic. You have to be cautious when you look for a crystal skull as the original and the lab made ones look quite similar.

The crystal skulls are known to help you in increasing your responsiveness and also aid in concentration, thought process, regulation, relaying, transforming, accumulating and heightening your energy reserves.

When you first 'own' a clear crystal skull you should clear it. Some do this clearing by use of salt water, others with sunlight or moonlight. Some use sage and/or cedar on what is called a 'smudging' stick.

Dried up sage is folded in a cloth and wrapped around a stick. This is set on fire and let to smoulder. This is then smeared on the skull. But keeping in sunlight is the easiest and less messy way than the smudging technique!

Keeping a quartz crystal makes our lives more fruitful as it benefits us in many spheres. Clearing and keeping our chakras in line is one of the main functions of the crystal skull.

Ancient culture revered quartz crystal. It is still held in sacred esteem by many people who live in close connection with the nature and want financial freedom to continue doing that. However, it is also used by many business people who do not want to sit around with nature, well not unless it's on a safari holiday!

There are basically six properties in a crystal namely ability to form, store, concentrate, magnify, relay and change energy. All this is focussed on matter, thought, feelings and information. The main role of the crystal is synchronising and powering both physical as well as the psychic parts of our existence.

The quartz is often called 'ice of gods' by people in olden days due to its supernatural powers both in the physical as well as the metaphysical levels. It enables you to create abundance in your life.

Some of the prominent uses of the quartz skull are directing healing forces, moving on to various other dimensions, focussing and increasing psychic energy, transmutation, astral passage, communicating with spirits and deities, acquiring financial abundance and numerous other psychic enrichments.

Though spirituality is one of the important uses, I'm sure most of us will clearly be more interested in the abundance creation capacity of the skull! I for one use it mainly to make my business prosper!

Whatever way you see it, the quartz skull is definitely an attractive piece that you cannot ignore. There are chances of your becoming a crystal expert making your life wealthier and complete! So don't miss the opportunity of getting your own quartz skull!

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