Mind & Meditation

Astral Projecting - A Beginners Guide

By Hayden M Price

A lot of people find that there are some stumbling blocks preventing them from successfully astral projecting. However, this is something which all of us can do. It is a natural ability which every man and woman already has. Much like riding a bike, you dont forget how; but you do have to keep in practice in order to do it well.

One major stumbling block that many people encounter is relaxation. To astral project the mind and the body have to be deeply relaxed. This can take some practice, but there are many relaxation techniques that you can employ to help your mind and body relax. There are breathing techniques and muscle relaxation techniques that you can try.

Naturally though if the environment is not conducive to promoting a relaxed environment then your astral projection session is not going to go as smoothly or be as successful as you would like it to be. Here are a number of tips that you can follow to help get the most out of your preparation.

*Make sure that you are not wearing jewelry or other items that are in contact with your skin. (Clothes are acceptable, but removing very tight clothing sometimes helps).

*Make sure that the room you are going to relax in and practice your astral projecting is dark. Dark enough so that light can not be seen through your eyelids, but you shouldnt turn off all the lights.

*Orient your body on a north-south axis. Your head should be towards the north. If you are unsure how to position yourself, use the sun as your guide.

*While you practice astral projecting, make sure that the clothes you wear keep you warm, but are comfortable and loosely fitting.

*Make sure that you have a place which is quiet and where you will not be distracted as you practice your astral projecting.

*Start using your relaxation techniques (you should also practice these outside of your astral projecting sessions). If you want to astral project, you have to be completely relaxed.

*Start giving yourself mental suggestions that will help you be able to remember what is happening during your session. Keeping a pen and paper close by is helpful, so that as soon as you finish your astral travels you can write down what you remember. Remembering can be enhanced by saying to yourself five times, I will remember.

*Start using your breathing techniques and feel yourself starting to relax.

*As you are breathing focus on the blackness in front of you.

*The next step is to place your focus on a point which lies around a foot from your forehead. Once you get your focus on this point, move it to another point which is about six feet away.

*After this, think of a line which runs perpendicular to your body from your focal point six feet away.

These tips will help you to prepare for astral projecting. You need to have full mental control of the process, so that your astral body doesn't just wander off directionless. When you astral project you can go anywhere and do anything, so focus on the wheres and whats.

There are some astral projecting practitioners that are able to talk with loved ones they have lost. There are others that take part in activities that they are not able to do in the physical realm of reality. Contrary to what you may think, you have done this already. Now you need to have control over what is happening. Those dreams that you wake up and remember really well were actually astral traveling. Now it is time for you to learn to do it intentionally to reap the benefits of what astral projecting can do for you.

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