Mind & Meditation

Telepathy: How You Can Develop Telepathy Skills

By Nicholas Pitman

Telepathy, like many other skills based upon techniques that are psychically oriented, is something most of us can do, but simply don't know how telepathy can best be used. What is it? Telepathy is the ability to communicate with others by using the powers of your mind instead of with ordinary methods of communication. When it comes to telepathy, how communication is done is by directly transferring your feelings, sensations, thoughts, ideas, emotions, and even mental pictures to others -- all without speaking or doing other normal forms of communication.

Many of us display small signs of telepathic ability without even realizing it. Horse whispers, have a heightened telepathic relationship with animals that allow them to know what they are thinking.

People, too, can practice telepathy with each other. For example, twins have a very close bond that often translates to telepathy. Have you ever seen twins "carry on" conversations without ever saying a word? It's not entirely understood how they do this, but anyone with a very strong connection to another person can do just that as well. People who are very close to each other, like spouses, can sense when the other is in danger, in pain, or suffering, as just a few examples.

Telepathy is often referred to as the sixth sense, making it possible that everyone has telepathy how to powers and can learn how to put these powers to use.

Though Telepathy is more likely to occur in an untrained individual when in an intense situation or crisis, learning the process will be easier when in a calm and clear-minded emotional state. It will also be easier to test telepathy when using a partner so ask a friend or relative to assist you. Gather together a small stack of photos and other small items of different colors like pens, paper clips and rubber items. Sit down facing opposite directions in a quiet room, or sit in different rooms.

Now, with telepathy, how to do it, simply be absolutely "present" right now, in what you're doing. Have one person send messages, and the other receive them. The sender of the information should take one of the objects in a time and concentrate on sending powerful mind pictures to the receiver. Besides the items you've collected, you can also simply think of strong emotions, pictures, words, colors, etc. Agree on a signal before you start doing the telepathic exercises.

While the sender should be concentrating, the receiver should keep their mind open and relaxed; this will allow them to connect with the signals being sent out. The receiver can write down whatever images or emotions they receive. Or the sender can choose to speak out loud after concentrating on each item to let the receiver know the signal has been sent, allowing the receiver to verbalize whatever message they receive.

It works best to practice telepathy, how to do it, if you and your partner agree beforehand on a particular signal. For example, you can agree simply to focus on colors, such that the receiver will simply say, "purple," when he or she receives an image, with the sender then responding "yes" or "no" before moving on to something else.

With telepathy, how to do it, it's a good idea to start with just 10 minutes before you move on to more complex and longer sessions. Each person partnering for the session can spend part of the time being the sender, and part of the time being the receiver. As you become better at this, you can also move onto more complicated images like playing cards, and then send images, the suit of the card, or the number being displayed in your mind for the receiver to note. Keep a record of the sessions you do so that you can keep track and see where you've made progress with the development of natural telepathic abilities.

You can also learn telepathy, how to do it, without a partner. For example, as a beginner, you might simply put out a signal to those you will close connection with, and who will much more likely receive the messages you send. Hold an image of this person in your mind, focus on sending him or her a message and then request that they do something, take action, and so on.

You could also focus on having a good friend or family member call you, or on getting your life partner, for example, to bring home something you need. It shouldn't be a surprise to you as time goes on that the person who received your message will suddenly call home or bring home the item you are thinking about -- all because of telepathy.

If you have a pet dog or cat you may also be able to use them to learn telepathy how to. Animals are more open to the process so you may be able to quickly pick up on when your pet is hungry, needs to use the bathroom, or is feeling ill.

As you continue to master telepathy, move on to practicing telepathic skills on people you don't know. For example, you can begin to increase telepathic abilities by focusing on people you are only casually acquainted with, neighbors, coworkers, and others you come in regular contact with but are not close to. Pay attention if you notice that someone is experiencing an intense emotion, and you may be able to sense actual words or thoughts coming from their minds.

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