Mind & Meditation

Mind Power And The Law Of Attraction

By John H Wood

Back in the 1980's there was a commercial, a slogan really, 'The mind is a terrible thing to waste.' While the commercial dealt with teens and drug use, the message can still be applied today. We can expand on the sentiment though; the power of the mind is a terrible thing to waste. It is time for you to harness the power of mind and use it to create what you want in life.

Everyone in the reach of Western Media has, by now, heard of The Secret, or The Law of Attraction. In a nutshell, whatever you positively visualize in your life, you'll achieve. Even if you don't consciously direct it, your perceptions of the world will alter how the world happens to you. People with negative attitudes draw negative events to them, and people with positive attitudes draw good fortune to them.

In scientific studies, this is sometimes called the observer effect, or the Placebo Effect. More plausibly, it's that keeping a good mental attitude and a solid set of goals in mind keeps you mentally prepared to take advantage of opportunities you'd've overlooked before. Opportunism is one of the great defining characteristics of successful people; though this is also the reason why hypochondriacs get sick more often as well. What you believe will alter how you interact with the world, and how you see your own 'personal karma'.

More proof, think about when you have gotten up in the morning thinking this was going to be a bad day, or 'one of those days.' Is it not remarkable that you will then have one of those days? It is not coincidence, if there is one thing that you should know by now everything happens for a reason. The reason is your mind.

Correlation is not causation, though there are a lot of people who try to link the Law of Attraction to some quantum mechanical effect. Going too far down this line will make your head hurt, either from the quantum mechanics or from the way the terminology is being misused. Ultimately, this drives into solipsism if you look at it too deeply, and that's not what the Law of Attraction is about.

What a lot of scientists on the fringes of paranormal investigation are thinking is that the Law of Attraction may be in line with other 'paranormal' events, like ESP, remote viewing and clairvoyant phenomena. This doesn't negate the world as we know it; the world isn't made up of our thoughts; but how we interact with the world comes from how we think about it.

Although you may not even have considered it before; learning how to use the power of your mind is vitally important to having a great life! Obviously it is better to have your assets working for you instead of working against you. Let's take a closer look at how to use the power of your mind to achieve what you want.

Start with a goal. Visualize it clearly in your mind. Make it a goal with boundaries; for example, if you're thinking about money, don't think of the goal in the context of 'A lot of money'. Put a dollar figure on it. Make it a real goal, with precision. Once the goal is set, focus your mental actions on achieving that goal. Keep the effort constant; don't do it in bursts and lags.

Some people are aware of the power of their mind; they focus on tasks, they set goals, they make lists, and they follow through them. You can see them; they're the ones who always seem to have a plan and who always focus on what's around them. Everything they do is aimed at furthering that goal, and with their mind and will ruling their passions, they have a palpable air of success. This success isn't difficult to emulate; it's very simple. It just requires clarity of purpose and focus.

Touching back on the slogan of the United Negro College Fund, imagine the opportunities that can open to you if you spend the time to get a proper education. You want to get the degree that will open doors for you. You take the time to get into your employer's tuition reimbursement program and you work on your class work. You focus on walking down that aisle with a degree in hand. Everything becomes secondary to getting that education and opening those doors to future prosperity. This is an example of the Law of Attraction in action.

Then all of a sudden that dream house is for sale. Not only for sale, but you qualify for the mortgage. Even better the owners accept the offer you made, you close the deal and you are able to move into your new house in 30 days. Everything you had been doing, all of the energy, all of the thoughts were towards getting that house and you got it.

It's up to you to make your life. You can either sit passively by and let life happen to you, or you can grab it and direct it using the power of your mind. Work on small goals and build up to larger ones the same way small rocks can lead to a sturdy platform to see the world from. Don't let anyone or anything stand in the way of the power of your mind with the Law of Attraction.

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