Mind & Meditation

Healthy Life With Chakra Color Therapy

By Jonathan Benjem

Ancient knowledge tells us that the human body contains a reservoir of energy deep within. The highly evolved souls propagate harnessing this energy in order to create the ideal living conditions in and around us. They promote the idea of external help to restore normal body functioning. The theory that gained ground was Chakra balancing, i.e., synchronized movement of seven primary energy centers within the body, to improve all aspects of life (spiritual, emotional, and physical).

In addition to their location in the body and significance, these seven chakras can also be distinguished by the colors associated with each of them. You can use these colors to correct the imbalance in their movements that might have crept in due to any reason. The process of using colors in such a therapeutic manner is known as Chakra Color Therapy.

Here is a brief description of the primary chakras and their associated colors:

1. The Base Chakra (Muladhara) is situated at the coccyx (base of the spine). This first chakra is associated with our very basic survival needs, courage, and vitality. The color associated with this chakra is Red. The attributes of Red color for the body includes vitality and energy provider on all levels.

2. The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana, is located just below the navel. This chakra is associated with our sexual drive and emotions. The associated color is Orange, which is known for its qualities of success, self-confidence, and independence of thoughts.

3. The Power Chakra (or Manipura), situated just above the navel region, is associated with autonomy, will power, and metabolism. Yellow is the color associated with this chakra, which empowers the body with clarity of thoughts and self-worthiness.

4. The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is located in the center of the chest. This chakra is associated with love, compassion, and self-expression. The associated color is Green, which is known for its qualities of intimacy and forgiveness.

5. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is situated in the throat region. This fifth chakra is associated with expressing oneself and communicating with others. The color associated with this chakra is Blue. The attributes of Blue color for the body includes creativity, self-identification, and clearly expressing ones thoughts.

6. The Brow Chakra, or Ajna, is located between the eyebrows at the third eye position. This chakra is associated with intuitive power of the body. The associated color is Indigo, which is known for its qualities of understanding, self-responsibility and visualization.

7. The Crown Chakra (or Sahasrara), situated on top of the head, is associated with consciousness, knowledge, and wisdom. Violet is the color associated with this chakra, which empowers the body with a sense of spiritual awareness and self-awareness.

The color associated with each Chakra can be used and incorporated in our lives to balance the dysfunctioning chakras. Chakra Color therapy can be used only after identifying the damaged chakras in the body, which are responsible for its abnormal functioning.

The next step is Color Breathing. This is simple exercise of relaxation with all the seven (colored) cloth swatches besides you. After identifying the disturbed chakra by going through the events of the day, take the colored cloth swatch, and lay them on the body part associated with the affected chakra. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize the color being absorbed by the chakra. The constant practice of this process for 5-10 minutes should be enough for the balancing of the affected Chakra. If more than one Chakra is out of balance, repeat the process for the imbalanced Chakras.

Chakra Color Therapy is a healthy option for maintenance of chakra balance. For daily maintenance, just lie down and repeat the above process by placing the relevant colored swatches on the relevant body parts. 5-10 minutes should be sufficient to recharge your chakras and correct the imbalanced ones to give you a better life free of physical, emotional or spiritual ailment.

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