Mind & Meditation

Harnessing The Seven Laws Of Spiritual Success And Create Wealth

By Brandon Boshnack

Renowned speaker and M.D. Deepak Chopra, founder of the Chopra Center for Well Being, has authored fifty-five books on achieving health through mind and body wellness. Merging the concepts of spirituality and body, Chopra has written a book where he presents The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. By implementing these laws, every person can lead a life of happiness and success.

1. The Law of Pure Potentiality

Every human, each one of us, is made up of energy; we are all part of nature, part of each other. We are made of unbound consciousness, capable of being anything. We are pure potential. This energy surrounds us, it penetrates us, and it binds our universe together. Sound familiar? If so, then the force will be with you, always. This law forms the foundation of the other laws.

2. The Law Of Giving

The universe's energy must be kept flowing. To maintain a positive energy flow, we each need to be constantly giving, and receiving. This does not mean that you must hand your coat to every homeless person you pass, but it suggests that you should freely give a smile, a compliment, or a hug - giving someone a cold isn't what this law has in mind.

3. The Law Of Karma

Karma is an age-old idea that basically, what goes around comes around. With karma, when you put positive energy out into the world, then positive energy returns to you. So the next time you are so self-involved that you cut someone off in traffic, be afraid, be very afraid. Because sometimes what you send out to the world, can come back to you stronger, and it might not be your car that gets cut off.

4. The Law Of Least Effort

Always choose the path of least resistance, when you can do so in a positive way. If you are in the grocery store line, and every line you choose seems to be the longest, it takes more energy to repeatedly change lines, to grumble about the delay, and to be unhappy, than to simply wait patiently. Now, this does not mean you should sit in your recliner all day, watching Jerry Springer and scarfing down Pringles. Rather, it is about knowing that through letting life happen without complaint and negativity requires the least effort.

5. The Law Of Intention And Desire

If your energy is made up of positive intentions and a strong desire for something, then you send that thought, in the form of energy, into the universe; the universe, in turn, will provide. This idea is similar to The Secret, which talks about the Law of Attraction. Now, that does not mean that simply wishing for a new motorcycle will make a Harley appear in your driveway, but it does mean that by focusing your intentions in a positive way, you can have everything that you desire.

6. The Law Of Detachment

Though it is important to focus on positive, desired outcomes, we need also not be too attached to any specific outcomes. If you are too attached, then you end up projecting negative emotions - you find fault in what you have, you doubt your ability to achieve, you covet others - you come from a place of fear. Thus, all that will manifest is more fear, doubt and craving. Instead, detach yourself from the outcome, basking in the idea that our universe will give you what you need. Now, if you are crazy in love with the girl next door, to the point of peeking through her windows all day, checking your mail every hour in the hopes of running into her, you may need more than the law of detachment. You need help - maybe a shrink, or even a restraining order.

7. The Law Of Dharma

The final law is the Law of Dharma, with "dharma" being the ancient Sanskrit word for "purpose in life." Here, we must recognize that each of us has a special gift to share with the world. Dharma tells us that we each must discover our true Self, find a way to express our own special talents, and use our talent to serve mankind. Your purpose might be to heal people, write a great American novel, save the whales - whatever it is, through discovering your purpose, will you experience a more fulfilling life.

These Seven Spiritual Laws of Success can help you focus your positive energy in a way that brings all you need for success and happiness. Understand your role in the universe, and how to use your thoughts and energy to benefit people, and in the end you will find that what you want is in perfect sync with what the universe has in store for you. Remember, the universe wants you to have that new ride, so don't sweat it. Just be positive, live your life on purpose, and your wildest dreams may just come true.

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