Mind & Meditation

What Powers Are Recognized As Esp Powers?

By Neville Wilde

Many people are curious as to the powers of ESP, they have heard the word, may even know someone who has one or more of them, but as to what they main and what would come under this category would ESP powers is beyond them, which is what I hope to change today with this article. There are certain abilities that some people have that are beyond those of many other people. The closest many people come to having ESP is to be able to guess correctly that the phone is about to ring, or of who is the caller.

It has been said that there are many people who have such powers and that as we only use 10% of our brains at any one time there has got to be a function for the other 90% while we are only using such a small portion. There have been tests done on people with such powers and it has been proved that they are using portions of their brain that other people do not, so there is definitely something going on there.

ESP is a name to group 4 different abilities, some people have just one but a rarer few have more than that. I wish to tell you which abilities are under the ESP and of course what each one gives each person which talent.

Telepathy is the first that I would like to tell you about. Someone who has telepathic powers is able to find out what another person is thinking about at a given time, and you may have seen this done on television, but if you have these powers it is not through trickery as in a magician, it is actually what someone naturally has the capabilities to do. This kind of communication does not involve reading answers, sign language or asking the person what is in their mind, it is to the gifted person something they can just do.

Another power of ESP is clairvoyance. Another name some use to describe this power is remote viewing. If you are clairvoyant you will be able to locate a person or item without the use of a map or any other guide. Even people in the legal sector have called for clairvoyant help when they have hit a dead end with their investigations. Such investigations include people who have gone missing as well as those that have been murdered and the person who has committed the heinous crime is not willing or able to tell the police or family where the body is. The powers have allowed families to have some kind of closure and for others have helped reunite those after many years.

One other power that is classed as an ESP power is precognition. What it means the person can do is to predict that something is going to happen, sometimes years before it actually does. There have been some disasters avoided due to someone predicting the event. Accidents have occurred after warning by someone with precognition. They have then took heed to listen in future and believe in the persons power. Some people have felt they do not know where their relationship is going, but when speaking to someone who can predict the future they then found that they were more clear on what their next move should be and as to whether they have a future with this person. Nostradamus is well known for having such a talent and since his death his name has become more famous than it did when he was alive.

The last one I wish you to know about is definitely not the least powerful as each one has it's own uses is the power of telekinesis. What a person with this power is able to do is to move or bend a certain object with their mind, some people under this category is also able to think about something they would like to occur and it does.

Which ever power the person is gifted with the extent of the power will vary dependent on the extent of their gift. You may find that some children have such a gift yet as they grow older they do not have the ability to do it any more, others get stronger with age and some people have the gift appear after a near death experience or shock. The power of ESP has so many benefits, if we could all learn how to harness the power it would not be so special.

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